Angel Babies: Messages from Miscarried and Other Lost Babies
(iUniverse 2009) by Patricia S. McGivern
Angel Babies is a book that would never have been written, if not for the efforts of a particular angel baby soul known as Dillon.
It was through his determined efforts and pushing his mom, the author, that his story and the stories of other angel baby souls is told.
Bebes Angeles: Mensajes de Bebes Perdidos en
(iUniverse 2015) by Patricia S. McGivern
Bebes Angeles explora la communicacion spiritual con bebes perdidos en gestacion y los bebes que se pierden nacidos ofreciendo sentido, esperanza, sosiego y consuelo a aquellos que han experimentado esta perdida imcomparable.
Pioneering Author of Communicating with Early Loss Babies
Angel Babies explores spiritual communication with miscarried and other early loss babies, offering awareness, hope, reassurance and comfort to those who have experienced this incomparable loss. Those seeking a deeper, spiritual understanding of life and an individual’s purpose will begin to discover the soul and the bond of love among souls. Anyone seeking assurance that life is continuous, that the soul never dies, will find comfort in this book.
“On awakening that sunny spring day in 1996, I had no way of knowing that the course of my life would change in one pivotal moment. Had anyone suggested that my path would lead me to where I am today— working as a hypnotist specializing in past-life regression and the author of a book about spirit communication with early loss babies—I would have vehemently shaken my head in dis-belief. No, I was a stay-at-home mother of two young children following a seventeen-year career in the corporate world, not a sharer of deeper truths. Or so I thought. But that day, I heard from my miscarried baby. How could I have known that one of my greatest gifts lay not in carrying my baby but in learning more through his death than through his birth? His loss would cause me, both willingly and unwillingly, to stretch and grow my spiritual beliefs. I struggled with believing that the experiences I had of my baby communicating were real and not a sign of my impending insanity. In the moment, the communication seemed so real…”
“Having been through the loss of an infant son that has deeply affected my life, I am profoundly moved and impressed by Patricia McGivern’s new book.” ~Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., author of The New York Times best seller Life After Life
Angels Babies is an invaluable resource for women who have experienced the loss of a child, whether the child existed on the Earth or not. Thank you for bringing such compassion and insight to an often neglected segment of the bereaved.” ~George Anderson, Medium, New York Times bestselling author of Lessons from the Light
“Ovulation is a law of nature, conception is a law of God. Patricia McGivern in this book helps us understand the reality of these laws and that when a soul moves from this to the next there can be healing love not condemnation. Grief is normal but guilt is unnecessary.” ~Gladys Taylor McGarey, M.D., M.D.[H], Author of Born to Live
Sheila Murrey’s Story
I had been drawn to meet Patricia McGivern, when I saw her sitting behind a table of beautiful blue covered books called, Angel Babies. The title and cover of the book, along with Patricia’s brilliant and deep blue eyes, told me that we shared an inexplicable connection.
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Share Your Experience:
Patricia continues her research and is interested in hearing your experience of communication with your early loss baby. Your identity and the information you share will remain confidential unless you state otherwise. You may email her your experience at
Recommended Reading:
- Bowman, Carol Children’s Past Lives
- Brown, Sylvia Past Lives, Future Healing
- Fiore, Edith You Have Been Here Before
- Gershom, Rabbi Beyond the Ashes
- Newton, Michael Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls
- Roche, Adrianna A Child of Eternity
- Sevenson, Ian Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
- Sugrue, Thomas There is a River (Edgar Cayce)
- Weiss, Brian Many Lives, Many Masters (and others)
- Woolger, Roger Other Lives, Other Selves